Video – FINEWS 151: All 160′ for the Immaculate

By November 20, 2014March 4th, 2016AirMaria Staff Picks, Fi News, FI Radio, FI Things

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Fi News #151 - ( 03min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

The friars from Mount Saint Francis Hermitage recently erected their new 160' radio tower for the radio station they operate out of the friary in Maine, NY, Holy Virgin Mary Radio, WHVM 91.9 FM.

The erection of the tower completed months of preparation work over the course of the summer to lay a new foundation, pour new ground anchors, and assemble the tower on the ground before lifting it into position with a 200' crane and securing it down. This occurred on the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, October 2.

The upgraded station then went back on the air on the 18th October transmitting 160W effective radiated power from a 3 bay, half-wave, non-directional antenna with a center of radiation 150' above the ground.

The station had been operating for the last 3 years with the antenna mounted only 45' above the ground - a much less than ideal situation as we weren't even above the treeline and the interference was noticeable.

The extra height from the new tower gives the station a much better coverage and is the mid stage in our planned upgrade to a directional antenna with an upgraded transmitter to get a much better signal towards the Binghamton area.

Yours in Christ and His Most Holy Mother

Friar Augustine Arts F.I.

Ave Maria!

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