Nov 02 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Learn From the Suffering Souls

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Homily #141102n ( 15min) Play - Father reminds us that at the moment of death, our fate is fixed. The soul, if it is separated from God by mortal sin, seeks to flee from God in hell, while the perfect soul at once rises to God in heaven, but the imperfect soul which dies in God's friendship, realizing that is it marred by venial imperfections, turns to purgatory to be cleansed and made worthy to appear before God. We must not forget these souls, for they rely on our prayers. Finally,let us learn from their misfortune by seeking God fully in this life, arriving at that perfect love He desires from us, and going straight to heaven.
Ave Maria!
Mass: All Souls - Solemnity - Form: OF
1st: wis 3:1-9
Resp: psa 23:1-6
2nd: rom 5:5-11
Gsp: mat 11:25-30

Audio (MP3)

