Nov 01 – Homily – Fr Elias: Strive to be Saints

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Homily #141101b ( 13min) Play - On the Solemnity of All Saints, Fr. Elias preaches on how many saints there are in heaven and how we are created to go there and be happy with God and with them. We must strive to imitate them, building virtuous habits with God's grace, so that we are properly attired for the marriage feast of the Lamb. He explains all the ways in which saints help us on earth by interceding for us with God.
Ave Maria!
Mass: All Saints - Solemnity - Form: OF
1st: rev 7:2-4, 9-14
Resp: psa 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
2nd: 1jo 3:1-3
Gsp: mat 5:1-12

Audio (MP3)

