Video – Fra Solanus – Book Log #11: The Virtues of Mary

By October 24, 2014Book Log, Fra Solanus

Views 1804

Book Log #11 - Fra Solanus promotes The Virtues of Mary ( 11min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

Friar Solanus reviews The Virtues of Mary, by Fr. Luigi Lanzoni, I.C., and published by the Academy of the Immaculate. This small, pocket-sized book is easy to read and contains just over 150 pages; it is well illustrated with beautiful sketches of the Blessed Virgin Mary. If we wish to imitate the B.V.M. as a person, we have to imitate her virtues: this little book will show you how to do this. The book was translated into English by Fr. Edward Hoare, an Australian Rosminian, and was first published in the English language in 1903.

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Fra Cyprian

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