Oct 05 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Christ, the Rock on Which the Family Stands

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Homily #141005n (26min) Play - In this hard-hitting homily, Father tells us that at various times, the forces of hell have raged against Christ and His Church with particular ferocity. One such time was the mass rebellion against the Church's teaching on birth control, and we are in the midst of another when they are raging against the Christian Family. In order to firmly plant our understanding of marriage and the family on the Rock of Jesus Christ, Father comments on the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on marriage and the family, showing that the love of spouses is the form of human love that--though dimly--reflects the love of Christ for His Church and for each one of us. For marriage to be Christian it must be built on the Rock of Christ, and though this is demanding, God gives the grace to the spouses through His sacramental blessing on their union. Marriage without Christ or His Cross is doomed to fail, since it is only through the grace of the sacrament of marriage that human love can be elevated to faithfully reflect the love that God has for humanity. In this context, we see that the fidelity and self-sacrifice of spouses is intrinsically linked to the faith love of God for humanity. And it is in this context we can see how divorce is alien to a truly Christian understanding of marriage. And for those in difficult situation, whether through their fault or not, peace and joy can only be found by remaining faithful to the teachings of Christ and the requirements of revealed truth and divine love.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: isa 5:1-7
Resp: psa 80:9, 12, 13-14, 15-16, 19-20
2nd: phi 4:6-9
Gsp: mat 21:33-43

Audio (MP3)

