Nov 29 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: All Saints of the Franciscan Order

By November 30, 2013March 2nd, 2019Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, Griswold, CT, Homily

Views 1481

Homily #131129 ( 09min) Play - True Fraternity and brotherhood is one in which is practiced and encouraged virtue . This is the true fraternity of the seraphic order of which the perfect example are those members who have gone to heaven.
Ave Maria!
Mass: All Saints of the Franciscan Ord. - Feast - Form: OF
1st: sir 44:1, 10-15
Resp: psa 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Gsp: mar 10:17-21

Audio (MP3)

