Nov 19 – Homily – Fr Matthias M. Sasko: Don’t Deny Your Faith By Silence

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Homily #131119n ( 07min) Play - Ave Maria!


Father reminds us that we must all profess our faith; explicitly by prayers traditionally called "Acts of Faith," and implicitly by the way we live. However, there are also times we must profess our faith when silence would be a denial of it, even it it means we will have to suffer for it.

Mass: St. Agnes of Assisi - Opt Mem - Form: OF

Readings: Tuesday 33rd Week of Ordinary Time 1st: 2ma 6:18-31 Resp: psa 3:2-3, 4-5, 6-8 Gsp: luk 19:1-10

Audio (MP3) +++
