Nov 17 – Homily – Fr Louis Maximilian: Escaping From Your Private Little Hell

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Homily #131117n (20 min) Play - Many people today search for happiness, but, unable to find it, trap themselves into a "private little hell." However, today's Collect prayer shows us how to have "Full and lasting happiness." And this is by refusing to live a joyless, Sunday-only, Catholicism, but by "Serving with constancy the Author of all that is good." After all, if we open ourselves up more to "The Author of all that is good" how can we loose? May we turn to Mary, who's heart was always open to God, and, like her, give our "YES!" to God.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: mal 3:19-20
Resp: psa 98:5-6, 7-8, 9
2nd: 2th 3:7-12
Gsp: luk 21:5-19

Audio (MP3)

