Sep 28 – Homily – Fr. Louis Maximilian: Becoming the New Jerusalem

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Homily #130928bs ( 12min) Play - Fr. Louis Maximilian preaches the second homily for the 2013 MIM Retreat. He focuses on the first reading again where the prophet Zechariah who was given a vision of the new Jerusalem that will be much more glorious than the old Jerusalem and so gave the Israelites much assurance that the Lord had not abandoned them despite allowing the temple and Jerusalem to be destroyed. Fr. Louis relates this to Mary the temple, the dwelling place of Our Lord on Earth. We must become transformed into Mary so that Jesus s will come to dwell in us.

Ave Maria!
Mass: Saturday 25th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy - Form: OF
1st: zec 2:5-9, 14-15
Resp: jer 31:10, 11-12, 13
Gsp: luk 9:43-45

Audio (MP3)

