Homily #130927bs ( 19min) Play - Fr. Louis Maximilian gives the first homily of the MIM 3rd Order retreat for 2013 in Bloomington, Indiana. He focuses on the first reading from the prophet Haggai where he encourages the Israelites to continue with the building the temple even though the new temple was not as grand as the one destroyed by the Babylonians. He relates this to the modest means that we have and that St Francis had to build a great spiritual edifice. But God provides the means necessary as they are necessary and He will be the glory of all our spiritual efforts. We have to let God provide.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Vincent de Paul - Mem - Form: OF Readings: Friday 25th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: hag 1:15-2:9
Resp: psa 43:1, 2, 3, 4
Gsp: luk 9:18-22