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The Queenship of Mary: A Commentary by Fr. Barron – YouTube


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  • Paul says:

    This really is a great teaching on the Queenship of Mary, bringing together old and new testaments in the light of the teaching authority of the magisterium. It is sad that so many Catholics, even many who assist at the Mass regularly every Sunday, do not really have a good understanding of this truth concerning Mary, Queen of Heaven.

    It is not something that is difficult to learn or to understand, but rather, I think, it is a truth that is not usually taught in such a clear, complete and easily received manner at the parish level.

    Father Barron’s six and a half minute teaching on the Queenship is awesome, overflowing with the fullness of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic faith. Every Catholic should hear this in August, and throughout the year. And as rich and full and true as this teaching is, it is like all of the Church’s magnificent truth, if heard and received well, leads one to desire more and more of this clear fresh water.

    Thank you so much for posting this from Father Barron.

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