Aug 11 – Homily – Fr Joachim: St. Clare Against Vanities
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Homily #130811b (
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Clare of Assisi - Solemnity - Form: OF
1st: hos 2:16, 17, 21-22
Resp: psa 45:11-12, 14-16
2nd: 2co 4:6-10, 16-18
Gsp: joh 15:4-10
I wish St. Clare may become a model for so many girls and young women nowadays. Nowadays the girls and you women has been teaching to despise the virginity and chaste life. And I’m saying that because I’m neither a puritan nor a laxist. I’m saying that cause I see the huge damage that the promiscuity, specially that coming from women, have been causing to society. But St. Clare is also a model of charity, both for men and women, but I wish it may specially for women who nowadays are eager for money and become absolutely materialist!
Dear Friars, could I share with you a very gracious Brazilian song in honor to St. Clare? Its title is Santa Clara clareou. It means St. Clare has clarified!
Jorge Ben – Santa Clara Clareou (Ao vivo)
I would like to share a translation of the song I had shared in the previous comment. I found that translation on Youtube.
Oh! Saint Claire has made it brighter And when she arrives here, She’s going to make it brighter The paths I have to track Save Saint Claire! Save Saint Claire! In the early morning when I wake up with the birds’ cheerful chirping. Beautiful as God loves it. The Sun has risen for life and love, drying up the dew with its sunrays. Full of splendor. With all celestial beauty, in? homage to Saint Claire. (It’s not even a translation, it’s just for you to have an idea of what’s said) by Capes Pisan
The lyrics in Portuguese