Feb 20 – Homily – Fr Elias: Penance with Jacinta and Francesco
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Homily #130220b (

Ave Maria!
Mass: Bls. Jacinta and Francesco - Wednesday 1st Week of Lent - Wkdy - Form: OF
1st: jon 3:1-10
Resp: psa 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19
Gsp: luk 11:29-32

Dear Frias, I’m happy to see this post, this homily about Jacinta and Francisco, “os pastorinhos de Fátima” – the little shepherds of Fatima as we say in Portuguese. First of all, because I feel attached to the Portuguese, because my country was colonized by the Portuguese and so I feel in certain way Portuguese too. But I know our citizen is beyond nationalites, our citizen is in heaven, as say St. Paul. I know this is a little speech but I coudn’t let to say that. 🙂
And I would like to make a little observation. But I have to say before that I don’t like to correct people openly. And I know how hard is speaking a foreing language. Me, for exemplo, I have been learning English and I have commited so many erros. What I’m to say just because I love my language and I love to learn it to other people, ok? I don’t to be rude.
Francesco is a italian name. Francisco is a portuguese name. Marto is the last name of these young brethren.
Beata Jacinta Marto, vidente de Fátima
Beato Francisco Marto, vidente de Fátima
I would like to share with you all a very beautiful video about Francisco and Jacinta, “os pastorinhos de Fátima”. I think you will love it! 🙂
Beatos Francisco e Jacinta – cancaonova.com – Santo do Dia – 20 de Fevereiro
Father, I love your homily. Make penance is very dificult, but our world needs learn love God above all the things. So penance learn us how to love God more than the creatures. In this lent I have read a very interesting book about the capital vices. It’s a book written by a very known Brazilian Priest about how set ourselves free from the capital vices. The book’s tittle is – Um Olhar que Cura: Terapia das Doenças Espirituais, Pe. Paulo Ricardo de Azevedo, Editora Canção Nova. [A Healing look/behold?: The Therapy of Spiritual Disease]. I thought interesting this book because its author call the vices as spiritual disease and I found that so enlightening! He explains the vices are ways to put the criatures or things above God and say many things from the Father of the Desert to teach how to overcome the capital vices and put God above all things.
Just one more coment. It’s a link to the little chapel of Fatima
Dear Friars, my first comment was just a cultural information. So if you deem necessary, feel free to delete it. I don’t want to seem rude or pedant.
Thank you for posting my comments. I’m going to try to be less expansive and more temperate.
Rereading (reading again) my comments, I realised that I mistake teach with learn frequentely. I’m sorry. I’m going to try not commit this mistake again.
Yesterday on the Sunday Mass, when I was hearing the second reading I remembered my comment and the passage I was trying to quote.
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Letter to the Philippians 3:17-21.4:1.