MaryCast Specials #191 (12min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle and how Mary conquered Freemasonry. He refers to the writings St. Maximilian Kolbe, and recent popes about how opposed it is to Christianity.
Unfortunately Freemansonary is very strong in my city! I have a great sadness because of that. In the past my city was very catholic. Today the city is submerged in materialism, religous indiference or even hostility against religion (that means true religion). The protestant sects and pagan religions (we say afro religions) are growing more and more. I just can attribute (atribuir) that apostasy to Freemansonary’s influence or its secrets deeds.
Currently in my city there are 5 Masonic temples (Lojas maçônicas in Portuguese).
Interesting! Very precious information!
Unfortunately Freemansonary is very strong in my city! I have a great sadness because of that. In the past my city was very catholic. Today the city is submerged in materialism, religous indiference or even hostility against religion (that means true religion). The protestant sects and pagan religions (we say afro religions) are growing more and more. I just can attribute (atribuir) that apostasy to Freemansonary’s influence or its secrets deeds.
Currently in my city there are 5 Masonic temples (Lojas maçônicas in Portuguese).