Video – Conferences #204: Priests Retreat 2012 Pt8, Card. Burke, New Evangelization
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Ave Maria!
Cardinal Burke gives the the 8th and final talk at the Priest's Retreat at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN.
The topic is the "New Evangelization and the Priesthood" which is related to the Year of Faith for the 50 anniversary of the first session of the Second Vatican Council and covers:
- Misconception that the discipline in Canon Law is somehow antithetical to pastoral considerations
- Three fold aspect
- Reach new people,
- Help existing Christians grow,
- hHelp those Christians who have wandered far off.
- Christifideles Laici post synodal letter
- Faithful are being put under test by onslought of atheism and indifferentism especially in First World where consumerism is prevalent
- Secularism portrays Religion as just a side show
- Urgent repair is need to stem secularism
- Do what we can to uphold Christian aspect of US culture
- Mend Christian fabric of society but first must fix Church interiorly
- Separation of faith from daily life, "Personally opposed but..."
- Need to hear gospel with freshness of first apostles
- Society says all authority should be restricted and questioned except the authority of myself
- But need to take up the cross and do the Father's will
- Specifically priests, must involve entire people of God.
- Need to be immersed in mystery of Christ
- Good way for his is Devotion to Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Catholics will respond to their priests and seek for their leadership
- Devil does not rest. Be vigilant, especially priests
- Zach 13:7 strike the shepherd and flock will scatter
- Good synthesis Close of Jubilee Year Novo Millennio Ineunte paragraph 29
- There is no Magic formula but rather a person, Jesus, alive for us in the Church
- Gospel and Living tradition
- This program does not change but does take into account changes in society
- Holiness is key, starting with Baptism, but then must deepen our spirituality
- Extraordinary nature of our ordinary life, very important
- Holiness makes ordinary lives extraordinary
- JPII's large number of canonizations was meant to underline this
- "The high standard of ordinary Christian living"
- This holiness in ordinary, living people is noticed by others
- New Evangelization included in Paul VI Evangelii Nuntiandi Dec 8 1975
- Paul VI sad over problems in the Church
- Homily Sts. Peter and Paul 1972 through a fissure smoke of Satan entered the church
- Restlessness that disregarded the Church and her wisdom and turned to the World and the media
- Instead of fresh air...
- Mother Mary Francis Poor Clare Collotine Ignatius Press
- Energy should not be put into workshops should be on community formation and mental hygiene
- The holy spirit is true councilor
- To talk from a stump of censure is not the answer
- Hermenuetic of rupture
- Must renew Church as if all that happened in the Church since apostles was mistake
- Dec 2005 two interpretation of the Council: Rupture or Reform with the past councils, magisterium v.
- Fruit of rupture, misunderstand that the council was given some sort of mandate to form a new constitution. But no such mandate by the people, Our Lord has already established new constitution
- Canon Law
- 1998 Casa Santa maria residence in Rome ran into many priests across the country
- Did not really want cannon law but out of obedience
- Most all priests considered canon law as useless and something they thought was done away with
- This is part of the hermeneutic rupture
- Discipline is in continuity with pastorship
- Council did not do away with canon law
- No dichotomy between canon law and
- Great harm was done by this spirit against the Church discipline
- Catechisis
- Religious life
- loss of Catholic nature of Catholic charitable institutes
- Loss of the meaning of marriage in the face of disregard of canon law
- Against idea that the Church is the mirror of justice
- Canon law is not against pastoral as popes have repeatedly said to the Roman Rota
- JPII in 1990, 2005 to Roman Rota
- BXVI 2006, 2007, 2010
- Pastoral without discipline (cannon Law) is pseudo pastoral and does harm
- Natural link between what is good for the individual and the truth of the status of the individual in regard to salvation
- E.g. Catholic Hospitals and their Catholic Identity
- doing immoral operation, sterilization etc.
- Are they Catholic or not? Principle of non-contradiction comes in which is a principle of objective truth irregardless of religion.
- Conclusion
- Canon Law is helpful to the New Evangelization
- big part of remaining of the Catholic fabric
- Task of doing this is formidable.
- Mary Immaculate and saints unceasingly intercedes for us.
- Let us invoke her as Speculum Justicia, Mirror of Justice
- Justice is actually a minimum standard for the life of charity
- Can not have charity if we can not even uphold justice
- Our Lady of Guadalupe end of the unjust Human sacrifice of the Aztecs
- Resulted in the lasting union of the new people of Mexico in America
- Sent Juan Diego to Bishop, respecting Church hierarchy
- JPII apostolic constitution Sacrae Disciplinae Leges
- Canon Law needs to be once again given the role it had
Links referenced in talk:
List of talks for the Priests Conference 2012:
- Hom #1 Mon, Dec 3, Fr. Ben Luedtke, On the Mass
- Talk #1 - Mon, Dec, Conf #197 , Fr. Ben Luetdke, Unique Shepherds
- Hom #2 - Tue, Dec 4, Fr. Ben Luedtke, Becoming Christ
- Talk #2 - Tues, Dec 4, Conf #198, Fr. Ben Luetdke, The Whys of Priests
- Talk #3 - Tue, Dec 4, Conf #199, Fr. Ben Luetdke, Conversion
- Hom #3 - Wed, Dec 5, Card. Raymond Burke, Unite to Him who Sends Us
- Talk #4 - Wed, Dec 5, Conf #200, Card. Raymond Burke, Saintly Priests
- Talk #5 - Wed, Dec 5, Conf #201, Card. Raymond Burke, Celibacy
- Hom #4 - Thu, Dec 6, Card. Raymond Burke, St Nicholas, Exemplar of Shepherds
- Talk #6 - Thu, Dec 6, Conf #202, Card. Raymond Burke, Centrality of Eucharist
- Talk #7 - Thu, Dec 6, Conf #203, Card. Raymond Burke, Sacred Heart
- Talk #8 - Fri, Dec 7, Conf #204, Card. Raymond Burke, New Evangelization
- Hom #5 - Fri, Dec 7, Card. Raymond Burke, St Ambrose, Good Shepherd
Ave Maria!
Audio (MP3)