Video – Conferences #203: Priests Retreat 2012 Pt7, Card. Burke, Sacred Heart
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Ave Maria!
Cardinal Burke gives the the 7th talk at the Priest's Retreat at at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN.
Card. Burke gives his reflection on the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and how it can foster and make fruitful a priestly vocation. He starts with his own experience growing up in his parents house.
- Helps inspire to embrace a vocation
- Teaches richness of the faith
- Children are impressed with the dedication of priests, Sacred Heart helps them to see this.
- Devotion helps focus on the essence of the Church and so fosters vocations to the priesthood
- Sacred Heart helps see a priest as an identity rather than a profession
- Helps live the vocation once embraced
- Outpouring of Christ's own life in the pierced Sacred Heart helps priests do the same
- Foster theo-centric understanding of the Mass combating the tendency to man-centered view we all have
- Sacred Heart shows sobriety in era of confusion
- Teaches Divine Mercy in the form of preaching to the hungry flock
- Avoids the selfrighteous attitude that condemns those who have wondered afar
- Helps sustain and encourage a priest in time of trial and temptation
- Loving people with a celibate and priestly heart
- Helps avoid impatience with others
- Zeal in teaching, preaching and celebrating Mass
- and avoidance of discouragement in failures in zeal
- To find in Jesus alone rest for our souls
- To forgive others as Jesus did, "Forgive them for they know not what they do"
- Spiritual Fatherhood is not giving up of manhood but to be spiritual fathers
- Avoid self pity by seeing the unconditional love of Jesus, like a good father
- leads to a spiritual bond with the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- And with all the saints
- To be with Mary at the foot of the Cross
- Completing what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ
- To see how Church is the mystical body of Christ
- Reminds us of second coming and how membership in the Church will be all important
- To love Jesus and not be fearful of him
List of talks for the Priests Conference 2012:
- Hom #1 Mon, Dec 3, Fr. Ben Luedtke, On the Mass
- Talk #1 - Mon, Dec, Conf #197 , Fr. Ben Luetdke, Unique Shepherds
- Hom #2 - Tue, Dec 4, Fr. Ben Luedtke, Becoming Christ
- Talk #2 - Tues, Dec 4, Conf #198, Fr. Ben Luetdke, The Whys of Priests
- Talk #3 - Tue, Dec 4, Conf #199, Fr. Ben Luetdke, Conversion
- Hom #3 - Wed, Dec 5, Card. Raymond Burke, Unite to Him who Sends Us
- Talk #4 - Wed, Dec 5, Conf #200, Card. Raymond Burke, Saintly Priests
- Talk #5 - Wed, Dec 5, Conf #201, Card. Raymond Burke, Celibacy
- Hom #4 - Thu, Dec 6, Card. Raymond Burke, St Nicholas, Exemplar of Shepherds
- Talk #6 - Thu, Dec 6, Conf #202, Card. Raymond Burke, Centrality of Eucharist
- Talk #7 - Thu, Dec 6, Conf #203, Card. Raymond Burke, Sacred Heart
- Talk #8 - Fri, Dec 7, Conf #204, Card. Raymond Burke, New Evangelization
- Hom #5 - Fri, Dec 7, Card. Raymond Burke, St Ambrose, Good Shepherd
Ave Maria!
Audio (MP3)