Video – Variety #220: Fr. Elias – 95th Fatima Anniversary

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Ave Maria!

A homily by Fr. Elias Mills on the 95th anniversary of Fatima...October 13th 1917.

Ave Maria!

Audio (MP3)


Author apostolate

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  • Marie says:

    Audio only?

  • Alex Antunes says:

    I know the purpose of that post is not discuss about politics, but I thought that I would show some relevant facts that deserve being considering.

    (Eu sei que o objetivo desse post não é discutir política, no entanto eu achei que era importante mostrar alguns fatos que merecem ser considerados.)

  • Alex Antunes says:

    I would like to make an observation. I didn’t want to be insolent about Pope John Paul II (actually I very obediant to the Pope), when I said I think the consacration maden by him wasn’t valid, I belive that because the communism has grown in South America and the tension between USA and Russia has grown (in other words, that’s the same of Cold War). All that makes belive the Consacration of the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary isn’t the same thing to Consacrate only Russia to Immaculate Heart of Mary. Besides that, I would like to know what the Franciscan Friars know about that. (I’m being sincere.)

  • Marie says:

    FATIMA in Lucia’s own words – page 204

    “Sister Lucia personally confirmed that this solemn and universal act of consecration corresponded to what Our Lady wished (“Sim, esta feita, tal como Nossa Senhora a pediu, desde o dia 25 de Marco de 1984”: “Yes it has been done just as Our Lady asked, on 25 March 1984”. Letter of 8 November 1989). Hence any further discussion or request is without basis.

  • Alex Antunes says:


    I know you don’t like polemics (controversies). But those Sr. Lucia’s words seems just her opinion, nothing more. Honestly I don’t like insisting by stubborness (by obstnacy), but we must to face the facts. I think you don’t know how grave is the political situation of South American. Practically all the countries of South America have Left goverments. Some of then are radical leftists like Venezuela and Bolivia. Not to mention (sem contar) many other countries . For example, China. Communism in China is stronger more than ever before.

    I know it would be seemed a conspiray theory, but theory of conspiracies really exist.

    I have already heard about a fake Sr. Lucia who was put by communist agents in the place of the real Sr. Lucia. Maybe I could seemed crazy, but I’m not. I’m just trying to find the truth facing the facts, many of then obscures.

    Here in Brazil the Liberation Theology (Teologia da Libertação) has made many damages, has destroyed the Catholic faith in Brazil. Why that? Honestly, there is a reason for thinking an communist or marxist infiltration in the Church. And many facts prove that, althout we can’t say how exactly that happened.

    Why woudn´t be possible that bad clerics (clérigos), had put a fake Sr. Lucia in the place the real Sr. Lucia?

    I’m going to share some links about that. I don’t know if they will be aproved, but I’m goint to try.

    I just say one more thing. I’m not sedevacantist. I’m really Catholic and I’m really obedient to the Pope. I just want to know the truth about so many intriguing or obscure things.

  • Marie says:

    Fr Peter Damian Fehlner ~ “Fatima versus Communism”

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