Video – Conferences #184: John Paul II – Redemptoris Mater 25 years
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Ignatius on the occasion of the dedication of the new Rosary and Stations of the Cross at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN, gives a very appropriate conference on the encyclical Redemptoris Mater (Mother of the Redeemer) which was issued 25 years ago. This encyclical combines the essence of the Rosary that focuses on the mother of Christ and the Stations of the Cross which focuses on the redemptive act of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. Father gives an outline of the encyclical and explains how important the doctrines on Mary are for getting a correct grasp of the doctrines on Christ and of the process of growing in grace.
- Part I - Mary in The Mystery of Christ
- Part II - The Mother of God at the Center of the Pilgrim Church
- Part III - Maternal Mediation
Ave Maria!