Ave Maria Meditations
St. Joseph Cupertino (1603-1663; feast day is September 18th) This humble friar who miraculously made it to ordination to the holy Priesthood, was known for his ecstasies and elevations. At Holy Mass he often would levitate above the floor so enamored was he with Our Blessed Lord. Since he had had such great difficulties with his studies, he is a patron for students and this prayer is often helpful for them:
Prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino For Success in Examinations:
O humble St. Joseph of Cupertino, singularly favored by God in overcoming the difficulties of study and the worries of examinations, implore the Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind and strengthen my memory in the search of His truth and wisdom. Help me especially in the decisive moments of this examination, protecting me from that forgetfulness and disturbing anxiety which often affect me. May I succeed in offering God my finest work and may I grow in knowledge, understanding, humility and charity. May everything that I attempt to learn in life be offered in faithful service to God, from whom flows that wisdom which leads to eternal life. Amen
St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for me; Our Lady of Good Studies pray for me; Holy Spirit enlighten me!