One Minute Meditation
We should imitate our Lord Jesus Christ … in the virtues. Peace is one, and we should be peaceful in words and deeds and in our way of life. But as to those defects and other things which threaten our soul, we should be like lions in expelling them. We should practice kindness and meekness not only among ourselves but with everyone in the measure fitting to each one. On the other hand, we should avoid too great a familiarity with the wicked, unless there is something in their behavior to call them to order on, and thus be of service to them. Let us, finally, be kind and meek, not returning evil with evil, but bearing it patiently.
Let us be indulgent toward those who offend us by word or deed, respond calmly, and not oppose them by taking note of the injury. It is with a calm exterior and a soul at rest that we must exercise indulgence to those who offend us, like a certain person who would willingly kiss the feet of those who offend him. To acquire this virtue one should look at Christ and see how he bore offenses with kindness. His example gives us strength not to hold a grudge. Finally, we should imitate Christ so as to remain straightforward in word and deed, without deception or duplicity..
Bl.Angela of Foligno