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The Anchoress | A First Things Blog

I saw this on The Anchoress Blog from TheChurchMilitant and thought it was perfect for AirMaria viewers especially during Advent. As a convert from Protestantism and now in a most Marian Catholic religious order, the Franciscans of the Immaculate, I have always thought that Mary should be a source of unity and not dissension. This video covers most all the Biblical basis for the Catholic teachings about Mary in one video so at least our separated brethren can see that Mary is not anti-scriptural. Pass this along to all who need to see it.

From the Anchoress:

Sent along by reader Vicki, who is not Catholic, this video is one of the best brief expositions I’ve ever seen on the theological role Mary plays in this whole pageant of salvation in which we live, and for which we seek understanding.

It may seem a little long at 11 minutes, but it moves quickly and covers quite a lot of ground. Stick with it and enjoy!

via The Anchoress | A First Things Blog.


Author apostolate

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