Video – Conferences #99: Scotus Newman – Panel 1- Q2 – What is meant by Heart in Scotus
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Ave Maria!
Newman-Scotus Symposium - What is meant by Heart in Scotus, Bonaventure and the Franciscan tradition? Fr. Peter answers this question. Heart in Augustine really means the essence of a person. And this is used very similarly in Bonaventure in the Itinerarium with the interiorization. Father goes into considerable detail outlining the use of the world by Augustine, Bonaventure, Francis de Sales, Aquinas, and generally in the Franciscan school. He points out that the Franciscans make a strong distinction between doctrine and spirituality. St.Margaret Mary Alaquoqe, St. John Eudes, Two Hearts and Sacred Hearts which is related to the Church which is from Duns Scotus. He relates this to Scotus' teaching of the absolute primacy of Christ. The devotion to the hearts of Jesus and Mary popularizes the scotistic teaching.
Ave Maria!
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