Video – Conferences #93: Scotus Newman Symp. Intro Fr. McCurry

By November 17, 2010January 5th, 2019Conferences, Newman-Scotus DC 2010

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Ave Maria!

Fr James McCurry gives an inspirational welcome and introduction to the Newman-Scotus Symposium at the Washington Theological Union on Oct 22, 2010. He reads a warm letter of encouragement from Friar Marco Tasca, OFM Conv., the Minster General of the Conventual Franciscans from Rome, asking the participants to energetically uncover, for all the world to see, the common intellectual treasure that these two holy and eminent British scholars share, centered on the Absolute Primacy of Christ and the primacy of Love. He reflects on the Pope's words at the very recent beatification of Newman in Birmingham, England where he mentions Newman's  motto "Cor ad Cor Loquitor", "Heart speaks unto Heart" where God and man speak heart to heart. Fr. McCurry mentions the equivalent starting point for Scotus' theology where "God wills to love. God wills to be loved. God willed to have co-lovers of himself" and so he created the world and man with the goal of the incarnation via Mary Immaculate. He ends by reciting a prayer to Our Lady written by Bl. John Cardinal Newman to give us protection and the purity of heart and mind to be good and wise Christians.

Ave Maria!

For more of this Symposium

For the book that is the final fruit of this Symposium:

Audio (MP3)


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