Video – Face of Pro-Life #112: Fr Angelo Spirit of Abortion

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Ave Maria!

Fr Angelo Geiger discusses with hostess Leticia Velasquez the spiritual aspects of abortion, covering a wide range of aspects including the occult, human sacrifice culture of death, Aztecs and how Our Lady of Guadalupe brought an end to much of this, Reike and yoga, occult themes in books and movies, Harry Potter, Twilight, normalization of evil. and attempts by abortion providers to normalize abortion by presenting it as a cultural and even spiritual event.

Ave Maria!

Audio (MP3)


Author apostolate

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  • Rebuildmychurch says:

    Ave Maria!

    This starts out excellent and i can’t wait to watch the whole show.

    I was unable to watch past about 3 minutes – the video just turns itself off…just as Fr. Angelo says the effects of the occult are growing… is it a problem with me/my connection, or the server, or…?

    St. Michael, pray for us!

    Ad maximam Dei gloriam!

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Thanks for letting us know, Tim. However, I tried the video and it seems to work fine. Have you tried it again?

    If anyone else has the same problem let me know.

    Fra Roderic

  • Joe Bruce says:

    The video played fine for me – great show!

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