Sep 30 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: St Jerome Doctor of Scripture

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Homily #100930 ( 04min) Play - Today is the Memorial of St. Jerome Doctor of the Church and writer of the Latin Vulgate. Fr. Ignatius points out that in order to get the truth that is in scripture you must have the right interpretation and thus God has not only given us scripture but an infallible interpreter of it as scripture itself clearly states in 1Tim 3:15 Pillar and foundation of truth is the Church. And Mat 16:18 On this rock (Peter) I will build my Church and the gates of hell (error) will not prevail against it.

Ave Maria! St. Jerome, Confessor and Doctor of the Church - Mass: EF, In Medio Ecclesiae - Readings:
1st: 2ti 4:1-8
Gsp: mat 5:13-19

Audio (MP3)

