Video – Conferences #84: La Crosse 2010 2/7, Msgr Calkins, Coredemption Consecration

By September 7, 2010March 2nd, 2019Conferences, Coredemption, Coredm La Crosse 2010
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Ave Maria!

After the introduction to our Symposium "Mother of the Church" in the National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Crosse, Wisconsin on August 21, 2010, Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins gives the first formal talk titled "Coredemption and Marian Consecration in the Magisterium of John Paul II and Benedict XVI". Msgr. Calkins is the foremost authority on the Marian teachings of these two popes. He explains the meaning of consecration to Mary and how it is based on her role as Coredemptrix and ... Mother of the Church.

Drew Mariani of Relevant Radio was MC of the symposium.

Ave Maria!

Audio (MP3)


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