Homily #100829 (13min) Play - Will we follow Him? Fr. Angelo Geiger preaches on today's Gospel where Our Lord admonishes us to live a sacrificial, spiritual life and not be worried about things of this world. For as the Gospel states, the Lilies of the field which work not nor spin not are clothed by God more gloriously than Solomon. He points out that to not follow this basic spiritual discipline is to live inconsistently when so many follow harder discipline in the secular corporate world.
Father Angelo, thank you so much for your homily. I have listened to it each day and will continue to do so because I need to hear that message. I need to stop making excuses and playing the violin -poor poor little ol’me. I need to face reality each day – I am overweight and lazy both spiritually and physically. I have slacked off and become a couch wimpette. It is a kind of laziness. I am old but I am not dead yet so I really have no excuse. I find that the rosary and Eucharistic adoration really helps me to get back on course. I like your message. By the way, thanks for being a priest! We love you! 🙂
Father Angelo, thank you so much for your homily. I have listened to it each day and will continue to do so because I need to hear that message. I need to stop making excuses and playing the violin -poor poor little ol’me. I need to face reality each day – I am overweight and lazy both spiritually and physically. I have slacked off and become a couch wimpette. It is a kind of laziness. I am old but I am not dead yet so I really have no excuse. I find that the rosary and Eucharistic adoration really helps me to get back on course. I like your message. By the way, thanks for being a priest! We love you! 🙂