Video – Roving Reporter #116: The Covo of Campocavallo

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Ave Maria!

Every August here in the countryside of Campocavallo, Italy, the first Sunday of the month is set aside to honor the Queen of the town, the Madonna of Campocavallo. The residents of this town- located in the "campagnia", or countryside - gather together, fashion with their own hands, and present a unique offering to the Queen, whose sanctuary (Beata Virgine Addolorata) is the heart of the town and houses the miraculous image of the Sorrowful Mother. The offering, roughly the size of a Hummer automobile or larger, is church or religious structure constructed of steel, wood, and, most importantly, the grain of the local fields. The members of a group called "The Covo" and comprised of lay people (Italians, obviously) male and female, young and old. This year the offering was a replica of the lovely Basilica of Pompei, located in the southern part of Italy.

I had the privilege of observing and filming, over a period of 5 or 6 months, the work of the Covo, and I present to you my own offering, albeit hastily done and always incomplete, to the same Queen of Campocavallo, whose feast day happens to be the day of my birth.

Ave Maria!

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Author apostolate

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  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Fra Terrance, That was a a mighty fine piece of video especially given the inadequate camera, tripod, editing tools and available time. You really captured this beautiful religious and cultural event. Oh, and, Happy Birthday! Fra Roderic

  • Joanne says:

    Thank you Fra Terrance, for that beautiful video. I just came home from downtown Washington DC and felt sad & depressed after walking the streets of that city for a short time – the people there looked so godless & immoral – especially the women. Jesus knew how to cheer me up for sure. Your video brought tears to my eyes (I am an old woman) when I saw the good old women working together to help with the basilica. Those old women made me feel better – they looked like my church friends. What a wonderful place that is – thank you for showing us goodness in the world. 🙂 May God bless you.

  • Terry says:

    This is absolutely wonderful.

    What great talent!

    Thank you

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