May 28 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Of Grace and Knights

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Homily #100528s ( 17min) Play - On the start of the Father-Son Encampment for the Knights of Lepanto during the Octave of Pentecost, Fr. Angelo preaches in the importance of grace in fulfilling the duty in the Christian life as we struggle against our fallen nature. This is chiefly given by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us when we were Baptized and who's presence is increased during Confirmation. Father also talks about spending to much time on social sites on the internet.
Ave Maria! Ember Friday - Mass: EF, Repleatur Os Meum - Readings: 1st: joe 2:23-24, 26-27 - Gsp: luk 5:17-26

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  • Rachel says:

    Praise be Jesus Christ! Wonderful Homily! All you men will be in my prayers all weekend so that the grace of the Holy Spirit will permeate all these dear souls, sons and fathers as well as the friars. Deo Gratias.

  • Philip says:

    First of all, i am continually grateful to Praise God & all His people on Earth! I love Fr. Angelo as a follower of the ways of our Savior Jesus Christ. In his most recent homily he said he wasn’t sure what the advantage of Facebook was. I believe the advantage I have seen would be, for better or worse, that it is a tool of communication. The Archangel Gabriel oversees communication. The Word of God has been continually communicated to the human race. I was able to re-establish communication with my mother because of Facebook. The only advantage in communication is to express Love.

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