Video – Roving Reporter #106: Interviews From DC March for Life

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Ave Maria!

The friars from Bloomington, IN filmed this while in DC last January while on the March for Life. Let the March never end.

Ave Maria!

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Author apostolate

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  • Rachel says:

    Although I have been prolife all of my life, it is only now that I am able to understand why abortion cannot be overturned in this country at this time. Per the 14th Ammendment, a child in the mother’s womb is not afforded the protections of law because they are NOT citizens of the United States. Therefore, they cannot be represented. They are not protected because they have NOT been born. They have not been issued a certificate of birth which registers their vital statistics as a real “Person” in the legal sense. A million marches on Washington won’t change a thing until this Ammendment is ammended. We need legal experts to stand up to the challenge to change this in our legislature. Pray that God raises up some very holy people in the legal profession to take on this challenge.

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