Video – Fi News #66: Abominable Snow Friars
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Ave Maria!
Yes, I know another video of sledding friars. Apparently, I was supposed to post this one first and the one I posted first was simply to give the "friar-cam" views that weren't included in this one. Well, I guess I lost track. Its hard to keep up with these sledding friars from Bloomington, IN! Anyways, this one is done to some rather humerus music and features some classic friar wipe outs and beards full of snow. Enjoy!
Ave Maria!
Thank you for posting this! Now that’s what the doctor ordered after a lonnnnnnnnnnnng day at the office and a train trip home from Boston! I haven’t laughed this hard in a few weeks. Good stuff!
Hey, is that duct tape holding together Father’s snow suit? : )
Yeah – Roy said, “What’s that across Father’s back?” and I said…”It’s a friar – probably duct tape!”
Nice hill! Now I know why Donna is so fit! But we all were looking for her on a sled! The kids waited all day to see the first “Friar cam” video – great incentive to get them to finish school for the day – they’ll love this next installment!
Going a bit gray out there, Fr. Elias?? Nice snowbeard!!
Ave Maria! I am surprised by all the fuss about the friar with duct tape. Don’t you know that duct tape is one of the most essential tools of the mass media? Also I am not becoming gray, I am becoming silver. I am being purified in the refiner’s fire and becoming more precious every day. Maybe my brain has become frost-bitten as well.
Ave Maria! Father Frosty