Jan 31 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Kingdom vs Kingdom
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Homily #100131 ( 15min) Play - Why is there so much outrage against Christ? To understand this you must recognize the existence of the Kingdom of Satan and those who are apart of it. Christ, by coming to set people free from sin, has declared war on that kingdom. In his time Jesus prepared His disciples for this battle and so he does today. We must take courage that He is with us especially in times of peril.
Ave Maria! Mass readings
1: Jer 1:4-5,17-19
R: Ps 71:1-6,15-17
2: 1 Cor 12:31-13:13
G: Lk 4:21-30
Audio (MP3)
Excellent homily, Father.
Please pray for my country, Belgium. For that kingdom of satan you speak of is saturating our society with it’s filthy lies. Legalised murder of unborn children, teaching of heresy and immorality in ‘Catholic’ schools. Our new chosen Archbishop Mgr. Léonard is being attacked by modernistic priests and laity are threatening to leave the Church if he is going to stay faithful to the Holy See for which he is known.
The little group of Catholics who remain faithful to Apostolic Teaching and the Holy Tradition are being scorned as ‘heretics’ for being sticking to the Holy Father. We are accused of showing no ‘love to our neighbour’ because we oppose the merciless slaughter of the unborn.
May Christ thrust into hell satan and his minions, that are so misleading the nations. Pope Paul VI said: “The smoke of satan has infiltrated the Church”. You better believe it. Whole societies reek of it’s filth.
+ Pax