Video – Miscellanea #50: 300,000 PLUS MARCH FOR LIFE 2010
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Ave Maria!
Organizer Nellie Gray told the press that the numbers of marchers this year far exceeded last year, which was estimated at well over 300,000. That sentiment was echoed by many long-time March for Life participants.
Ave Maria!
That video was the best pro-life video I have ever seen and heard. The person who sang that song made me start crying. It is so powerful. We will win because the Infant Jesus is going to save the babies and their mothers. The Infant Jesus is all powerful and his Mother Mary and his Foster Father St. Joseph and St. Michael and all of Heaven are fighting for the right to life and they will win. We will win, the mothers will win, the babies will win. Abortion is too evil, too barbaric, too uncivilized, too horrific, too Satanic to survive. Either abortion goes or the world goes by self-destruction.
God bless you and thank you for that powerful video. I pray more people will hear that song and see that video, it is so powerful. Rejoice and be joyful pro-lifers! We WILL win! 🙂 AVE MARIA !
Ave Maria!
Great video!
Way to go HD.
Many thanks to our benefactors who responded to our plea to buy HD equipment. May God reward you for your generosity to us.
Ave Maria!
A tremendous view of the multitudes that the mainstream secular media chooses to ignore and make invisible to our fellow countrymen. The day after the march, I found no mention whatever on the major news websites. CNN had a minor blurb (Tag Line: Roe vs Wade Decision Remembered) which led you to an image of some NOW members holding “Keep Abortion Legal” signs. You had to click a second icon to get an image of the Pro Life marchers, several women at the front (A close up, naturally, belying the size of the crowds).
Very interesting “fetus rap”… when can we expect to hear it on MTV? (Yes kidding…)
PS- Who is that beautiful voice providing the chorus?