Jan 27 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: St. Bernard Facing Failure
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Homily #100127 ( 09min) Play - St Bernard of Clairvaux preached the second crusade. But, despite the fact that he was able to perform many miracles to confirm that this was the will of God, the crusade failed resulting in the loss of many Christian soldiers and a setback for Christian control of the Holy Land. Fr. Ignatius points out that it is sometimes God's will that we be humbled in order to bring about greater virtue.
Ave Maria! St. John Chrysostom, Confessor and Doctor of the Church - Mass: EF, In Medio Ecclesiae - Readings: 1st: 2ti 4:1-8 - Gsp: mat 5:13-19
Audio (MP3)
That was a great homily. Do you have any links to the sources if I wanted to do further reading on this?
Dear Noah,
My source was a rare book entitled, “Heroic Virtue: A Portion of the Treatise of Benedict XIV on the Beatification and Canonization of the Servants of God” Vol. III., the chapter on prophecy.
Ave Maria!