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Homily #090726 (
17min) Play - In today's Gospel Our Lord feeds a large crowd with just a few loaves. In the light of this great miracle Fr. Angelo explains how miracles work with grace to enable us to ascent to true faith, a faith that strengthens us to be able to carry our crosses.
Ave Maria! Mass readings
Audio (MP3)
Thanks Father Angelo. That was a great sermon. I really needed that message. Recently I had to undergo surgery which would identify if I had cancer among other things in my organs. I continually surrendered myself to God and offered my sufferings for souls, especially the unborn and my parents & siblings. Turns out that I do not have cancer. I am so very grateful for that grace but I know that if it turned out I did have cancer, it would be an even greater grace, a kind of grace of martyrdom. No matter what God has in mind for me in my life, my motto is “Deo Gratias – thanks be to God”