May 18th: St. Felix of Cantalice (1515-1587)
A Franciscan brother who served as a quester for the Order for over 40 years. His gratitude to God for everything led him to always say “Deo Gratias” such that he was called “Brother Deo Gratias”. This humble and almost uneducated brother was sought out for his advice. He had a great love for God, for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and for our Blessed Lady such that it is said she allowed him to hold the Christ Child in his arms.
Make us, Lord Jesus, walk in the innocence and simplicity of our hearts, since for love of these virtues, Thou didst descend from the bosom of Thy Mother into the arms of Blessed Felix, Thy confessor. Who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.
St. Felix, intercede for us that we may obtain pure and simple hearts filled with devotion for Jesus and Mary.