Video – Mission Down Under #3: Youth Rosary Walk with Friars

By March 19, 2009June 25th, 2009Mission Down Under, Youth
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Ave Maria!

Friars and a few youth on a 3 hour Rosary Walk with a couple of talks, packed lunch, consecration to Our Lady and climbing Mt. Brown.

Ave Maria!
Fra Cyprian

Author Fra Cyprian

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  • Carol says:

    Ave Maria!

    Nice to see Father Joseph. That looked like it was a beautiful day for the young men. Keep up the good work father. Our Lady needs the young men. Forever in our prayers.

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Well done, Aussie friars!

  • Ave Maria!

    Hey, that’s pretty good – well done Auzzie friars!

  • Ave Maria!

    So, according to Google Earth, this “mount” has an elevation of 210ft (thats 63m for the metricated) – it shouldn’t even be called a “mount”. How about “Mound Brown”.

    Ave Maria!

  • The Kerlins says:

    Ave Maria!

    SO nice to see Frs. Andre and Joseph again! We miss you both, but are happy to see you working hard for Our Lady Down Under. Your hike wasn’t a “Mt. Washington”, but it sure was beautiful – in a hot, dry, Aussie kind of way! “G’day” from the Kerlins!

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