Video – Face of Pro-Life #58: Healing from Abortion
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Ave Maria!
In this episode, hostess Corinn Dahm speaks with Dawn Cousineau on the healing process for women who have had abortions. Dawn shares her own personal testimony of the family and life trama she experienced in her college years after having had an abortion, and how, later on, she found a new life through Our Lady, the Sacraments, and the Rachel's Vineyard Retreats.
Ave Maria!
One of the most powerful moments at this year’s March for Life in Washington was the passing by of scores of women holding up signs that simply read “I regret my abortion”. As they passed the crowd erupted in thunderous applause and shouts of “God Bless You” and “We Love You” and the like. Seeing the courage of these witnesses– ready to step from the shadows and sacrifice a substantial portion of their privacy for the cause of Life– was certainly a motivation behind this raucus show of approval and support. It was similar to the applause for military, fire and police personnel who risk their lives (displaying courage we can only imagine existing in fiction) and live to tell. I also felt that the ovation for these women was celebratory in the sense that (the great courage aside) we all knew, implicitly, that they had, by their witness, freed themselves from the worst kind of bondage; abject despair… the devil’s most common leg irons. Could there be a greater act of contrition, outside of a confessional, than to hold such a sign before thousands on the street and millions more watching on EWTN? To make public your darkest moment for the sake of others, as of yet unborn? (No greater love…) A certain kind of life-clearing, near-sacramental absolution must certainly accompany appearing in such a public way for love and for life. God bless each and every one of them.
God Bless you, too, Dawn. You cannot hear thunderous applause or shouts of approval and encouragement as you read this, but know that you are equally deserving, and just as inspiring. Maybe more so. THANK YOU for your witness and may you always feel the embrace of Our Lord.