Feb 14 – Special Homily – Fr Ignatius: A Day with Mary

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Homily #090214ss ( 19min) Play - This is not really a homily - but it is the talk Fr Ignatius gave at the Day with Mary held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel, Griswold, CT, on Saturday, 14th February, 2009 - great talk Fr Ignatius!
Ave Maria!

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  • Selby Beebe-Lawson says:

    Great talk! What is the book from which Fr. Ignatius reads so many details about St. Maximilian’s life? Also, how does one find out when A Day With Mary is scheduled. Can anyone attend? Thank you.

  • Fr. Ignatius says:

    Dear Selby,

    The book I was quoting is “Mary’s Knight” by Claude Foster. It is just over 700 pgs. long and it could very well be the most detailed account of St. Maximilian’s life. The author thoroughly researched the Saint’s life, speaking with those who knew and lived with him, and writings, citing them at length in the book. However, read with caution. Foster, strangely enough, is a Protestant and this comes through every now and then in the text. For example, in one debate between St. Maximilian’s father and a Protestant minister over their respective faiths, the minister comes out looking pretty good while Juliusz Kolbe didn’t know how to respond. (p. 36) Also, there is no imprimatur and there are some theological errors, e.g. St. Maximilian’s vow to the “Eternal Virgin” (p. 74) Lastly, I don’t really care for the author’s narrative writing style. The dialogue and descriptions are a bit cheezy at times and seems more appropriate for a young teenage reader rather than an adult devotee of St. Maximilian. Notwithstanding, there is a lot of good information and the author actually received an award for his work last year at Marytown.

    Ave Maria!

  • Fr. Ignatius says:

    Dear Selby,

    As for a Day with Mary, we usually post it in the “upcoming events” column on the friary website: figuadalupe.com

    All are welcome and encouraged to attend. God bless.

  • Selby Beebe-Lawson says:

    Thank you, Fr. Ignatius.

    I will stick with the excellent “Kolbe, Saint of the Immaculata” which I picked up at the friary when I stopped by for Mass last October. I am always looking for more in-depth information about and by St. Maximilian, though.

    I will keep an eye out for A Day with Mary.

    Thank you. Ave Maria!

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