Feb 08 – Homily – Fr Tito: Golden Touch of Jesus
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Homily #090208t (

Ave Maria! Fr. Tito talks about King Midas who loved his gold more than all else and wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Of course, this ultimately makes him miserable as the people he loves also turns to gold and he ends up promising to give up all of his gold if his magic touch would be taken away. Like King Midas, in the O.T., original sin is the touch of evil. Sin and death spread throughout the human race. In the readings, Job discusses his plight and feelings of hopelessness. He needs someone to turn the tide. In today's Gospel, we see that the tide was turned. We are saved from the plight we brought on ourselves! Mass readings
As always Father Tito gives such a wonderful homily. Thank you for sharing this with us.