July 01 ’08 – Special Homily – Fr Angelo: Thom & Marc Girard

By February 6, 2009October 27th, 2011Fr. Angelo Geiger, Specials
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Homily #090206s ( 15min) Play - Our community "Franciscans of the Immaculate" celebrate the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus on July 1st, on this consoling Feast Day, Thom and Marc Girard passed away, Thom on the vigil, and Marc the morning of. Less than 24hrs later Fr. Angelo offered the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord for the repose of their souls.

When I was going through the video footage for "Extreme Makeover" of Marc's knighting, one of the knights reading a declaration, said, "...Marc, soon to be known through out the world for his unique talents..."  Here we are less than a year later after that statement and Marc's story will be told through out the world on ABC.

This homily was never posted for one reason or another.

We find it fitting to post this homily on this First Friday two days before the show airs on ABC. May the Girard story be told as it truly is.
Ave Maria! +++

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  • RAchel says:

    Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

    And may the continual grace of God pour itself out through the Immaculate to our beloved priests. 2nd Saturday Reparation and Prayer for Priest , Apostolate – Mary Mother of Priests.

  • Robin says:

    Ave Maria!
    Thank you for posting this. After just watching the home makeover program this evening, and recalling to mind this sad, sad event, it is good to hear Father Angelo’s words of consolation and hope.

    May Thom and Marc be granted eternal salvation, and may they intercede for us all.

    Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

  • Darlene says:

    The Cross is our hope. Thank you Father for that gentle reminder that we all sometimes need.

  • Carol says:

    Beautiful. We are so honored to have our first mass for our knights on such a beautiful day. Thank you fo posting this.

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