Dearest Jesus: You loved me from all eternity, therefore you created me.
You loved me after You created me, therefore You became Man for me.
You loved me after You became man for me, therefore you lived and died for me.
You loved me after You had died for me therefore You went to prepare a place for me.
You loved me after You had prepared a place for me, therefore You came back to me.
You loved me after You came back to me, therefore you desired to enter into me and be united to me.
This is the meaning of the most Blessed Sacrament : The Mystery of His Love.
(Archbishop Goodier)
…I wish you would be there. We could maybe have adoration everyday and so bring and weave our lives with the Bread of Life. No greater love not even God could give than in giving Himself as Bread of life-to be broken, to be eaten so that you and I may eat and live-may eat and so satisfy our hunger for love. And He seemed yet not satisfied for He too was hungry for love. So He made Himself the hungry One, the Thirsty One, the Naked One, the Homeless [One] and kept on calling: I was hungry, naked, homeless. You did it to Me…The Bread of life and the Hungry One-but one love–only Jesus. His humility is so wonderful. I can understand His majesty, His greatness because He is God, but His humility is beyond my understanding, because He makes Himself Bread of Life so that even a child as small as I can eat Him and live. The greatness of [the] humility of God! Really no greater love-no greater love than the love of Christ.
(from a letter of Mother Teresa to a priest)