Dec 07 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: 2nd Sunday of Advent
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Homily #081207 ( 36min) Play - "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, Just like the ones I used to know." - Irving Berlin, 1942
Will we dream of a white Christmas or will we dream of a real Christmas?
Ave Maria! Mass readings
Dear Reverend Father Bonaventure :
Thanks for a sobering homily and call to Christian action. Many times I offer up a short ejaculatory prayer instead of admonishing the sinner as I am called to do as a soldier of Christ.
I am in negotiations currently with a family member who is converting to the true Church in order to marry a catholic with pro-abort leanings.
After threatening to remove my RCIA sponsorship and boycott the wedding, the potential future spouse has conceeded that abortion is a mortal sin and has changed their stance from “I’m against it personally, but others have the right to choose” to realizing that abortion is a mortal sin for everyone.
This potential spouse voted for the enemy of life in the last election and does not consider that as material cooperation with evil. Once again, as you have pointed out time and again, ones “sacred duty” to vote does not trump one’s duty to the Commandments of God (Our liberties and rights as Americans are based on flawed protestant logic to begin with).
As an elderly nun on her hands and knees once told a Jesuit priest when asked why she was working so hard “Der Hiemel ist nacht biling”
Her reply was “Heaven is not cheap”.
May the Divine Infant of Bethlehem, who we adore and acknowledge to be our soverign Lord, come and take birth in our hearts.
Ave Maria !