Nov 9 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: St John Lateran

By November 10, 2008October 27th, 2011Fr. Bonaventure, Homily
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Homily #081109 ( 42min) Play - I can't even begin to try to write a brief description of this homily - just watch it!.
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Author apostolate

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  • Geo. Festa says:

    My children have come home with the definition of a noun being a “person, place, animal or thing” I lost my cool over this as it raises animal life to the dignity of human life — this may be a tough sell to followers of St. Francis’ rule, but the leftist social-progressive machine is out there, is diabolical and is out to loose our children’s sould.

    Kill a human in cold blood and you’re back on the street in 5 years, inflict injury on an animal (I am advocating neither here) and you may be facing 20 years behind bars. make no mistake the public schools are the disseminators of the culture of death.

    Furthermore, my oldest child (1st Grade) only says the pledge of allegiance once per week, the teacher’s rationale: “we’ve got alot of material to cover” the pledge only takes a minute to say — I suspect the real reason is that GOD is mentioned in said pledge.

    Please pray that we may be able to provide a good Catholic education for our children.

    In corde Jesu et Maria,

    The Festa family

  • Fra Terrance says:

    Ave Maria Festas!

    Thanks for the post. When I was in school, a noun was “a person, place, thing, or idea”. Have animals replaced ideas? Whatever may be the case, public school grammar classes are certainly more edifying than public school moral relativism. As for the pledge, maybe your oldest could ask his teacher if the class could recite the Hail Holy Queen after they salute the flag…after all, shouldn’t public school teachers be willing to celebrate “Catholic diversity”? Just a thought.

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