Video – Dr Mark Miravalle – MaryCast OLA #4: Chastisement and Remedy

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MaryCast Our Lady of Akita #4 ( 10min) Play - Mark Miravalle discusses the October 13, 1973 message from Our Lady of Akita to Sister Agnes - a message about a possible upcoming chastisement due to man's love for sin and a remedy.

In this mini-series on Our Lady of Akita, Dr Mark Miravalle explains the messages and events surrounding Our Lady of Akita - approved by the Church - and its relationship to the movement for the solemn papal definition of the 5th Marian Dogma - Mary as the Spiritual Mother of all peoples serving under the aspects as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.

To ask questions regarding Mary, email Dr Mark Miravalle:

Ave Maria! +++

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