Sep 05 – Special Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Good Advice for Homeshoolers

By September 5, 2008October 27th, 2011Fr. Bonaventure, Homily, Specials
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Homily #080905s ( 36min) Play - Fr. Bonaventure gives a lot of good advice for homeschooling parents in the First Friday homily.
Ave Maria! Mass readings

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  • Geo Festa says:

    Rev. Father Bonaventure:

    Thanks for putting our duties and responsibilities as parents in perspective with what the world considers as ?success?.

    We are driving a great distance to have our children catechized in an orthodox manner and wish them to receive their sacraments in the traditional way. In addition, we catechize at home and pray as a family every day.

    Our children are ages 5 and 6 and currently attend public school [ We do not believe that anything permissive is or has been taught thus far, but we understand these sort of things are introduced as early as 4th or 5th grade ]. Please pray that we?re able to send our children to a faith-based school. Not all institutions that tout the word ?Catholic? follow the magisterium of the Church, and those that do are out of our reach financially. Home-schooling may very well be an option.

    Thanks for your wise insights, God bless you and all the Friars at Griswold.


    The Festa Family

  • PASCENDI says:

    This is perhaps the most useful sermon I have ever seen on what it means to home educate. My wife and I raised 2 girls who are now teenagers. Our son, who is 9, requires a completely diffferent approach to education/formation.

    A visit to the FI in Griswold is an excellent way for parents to get their minds around the fact that our first priority is to save souls. We do this first of all by teaching the child not how to succeed in the worldly sense… but how to approach our Lord in the people around him with the wonder and imperfection that is normal for a child.

    Often, in our zeal to give our kids the very best in Home Education… we miss the point. This sermon focuses the objective with laser beam accuracy.

    Thanks Fr. Bonaventure.

    Ave Maria

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