News – Scotus Mariology Symposium #3

By August 5, 2008March 1st, 2019Fr. Peter Fehlner, News
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In preparation for the International Centenary Symposium on the Mariology of Bl John Duns Scotus, Fr Peter Fehlner focuses on the town of Duns and explains its origin and its political and religious landscape where Bl Scotus was born and grew up.

The Franciscans of the Immaculate, in conjunction with the Day With Mary apostolate of England, will be hosting a symposium commemorating the 700th anniversary of the death of Bl. John Duns Scotus (1308):

International Centenary Symposium on the Mariology of Bl. John Duns Scotus.

It will be held at:

Grey College, University of Durham, England
9th - 11th September 2008

For More Information:

Ave Maria!

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  • A-J says:

    Dear Father, as a native of Northumbria may I be so bold to point out that Northumbria is not pornounced as ‘North Umbria’ but as
    ‘Nor thumbria’. Sorry to be so picky. But thank you for such wonderful presentations!

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