Aug 01 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Is He not the Carpenters Son?

By August 1, 2008October 27th, 2011Fr. Bonaventure, Homily
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Homily #080801 ( 19min) Play - In today's Gospel Our Lord is rejected in his home town because they know his earthly father. Listen as Father uses this fact to shed light on the nature of sin and references this to the teachings of St. Alphonse Liguori whose feast is today.
Ave Maria! Mass readings

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  • George Festa says:

    Reverend Father Bonaventure,
    What a great introduction to St. Alphonsus di Ligouri. I have just recently discovered this doctor of the church and am currently reading volume VI (The Holy Eucharist)of his XXII volume series. More people need to read these writings as they are so spiritually packed with instruction for everyman in saving his soul.

    It does indeed seem that modernism has squeezed this saint’s writings into the dustbin of history (much to the enemy’s delight, I suspect). The only copies of St. Alphonsus’ writings I can find are second hand or antique copies of his writings.

    God Bless you and all the friars at Griswold for the great work that you do.


    The Festa Family

  • PASCENDI says:

    Thank you Fr. It is amazing how the diabolical can mix a bit of truth with a bunch of lies and fool us so easily. Thank God and our Queen Mother that we have men such as those in your order who are kind enough to tell us the Truth so as to reorient our consciences.

    Ad Jesum per Mariam.

  • DamianSv says:

    God wishes all organizations that are not based on truth
    ( Roman Catholicism) to be dismantled.

    But to preserve themselves they lie and manipulate , play loose with the truth in order to do the work of Satan and establish their own power and kingdom.

    If they were genuine and spoke the truth , that is to say for example with the Protestants and the Eucharist , even if only so far as to agree that they are not sure what is the truth , they would soon disappear and be one with Rome.

    A reason for lies is pride or fear.

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