Jun 22nd – Homily – Fr Angelo: Original Sin and Truth

By June 22, 2008October 27th, 2011Fr. Angelo Geiger, Homily
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Homily #080622 ( 22min) Play - The greatest paradox of our faith is the Cross. Foolishness? St Paul says that the foolishness of men is the wisdom of the Cross! Without an appreciation of Original Sin we will never understand the world we live in. People are slaves of their vices because they have learned to rationalize their choices. We use our mind to convince ourselves that good is evil and evil is good. The only way out of this pattern is Christ.
Ave Maria! Mass readings

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  • DamianSV says:

    I understood absolutely everything that you’ve said. This was a very well done homily.
    Perhaps in the end everyone will have a truely christian sense of what original sin and the truth are, and therefore people will not be able to speak untruths without being taken to task , really taken to task by all.
    The thought even occurred that what ever you’re doing keep it up , because this is how things should be said , and what people want and need to hear.

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