Video – Amsterdam Coredemption Conference #1: Fr. Peter Damian Mary Fehlner, F.I.
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Ave Maria!
Update: The video file has been fixed so the entire video plays. The player has also been updated so that all the videos on AirMaria can be viewed in full screen
In case you missed our Coredemption Conference Live-Stream from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on Saturday 31st May, 2008, we will be publishing the five talks over the coming weeks.
First up is Fr. Peter Damian Mary Fehlner, F.I. who didn't pull any punches in this hard-hitting presentation on the Marian Issue Today discussing the status of the various issues associated with proclaiming the 5th Marian Dogma.
Ave Maria!
I was looking forward to Fr. Peter’s talk. We were not able to catch it on Saturday. However, it keeps breaking up. Is it a problem on your end or my end.
Dear F.I. friends,
Thank you for posting Fr. Fehlner’s Amsterdam talk. Unfortunately, for some reason I am able to see only the first five minutes or so of the video before it cycles back to the beginning. Perhaps this is a problem with my browser. (?)
I hope you are all having a nice summer.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Dr. D
Sorry Fra Rodric Mary Iwas not able to hear Fr. Peter’s talk in support of Mary as Co-Redemptrix in this new video. Only the opening remarks by the master of ceremonies regarding the purpose of the symposium was available but not Fr. Peter’s talk in support of Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix.
I am not able to comment on the talk by him as ir it was not made available following the opening remarks by the speaker.
Could you let us have Fr. Peter’s address at this symposium?
Sorry Fra Roderic Mary,
I did not read your message carefully stating that will be sent later.
God bless.
Roy Tenn.
Ave Maria!
I am looking into the problem on the video
Dear Fra Roderic Mary (and any others who may have helped),
The video plays all the way through now. Thank you for fixing the problem. I look forward to watching the other presentations from the Amsterdam conference. (I did manage to catch most of Dr. Miravalle’s talk live.)
Soli Deo Gloria!
Dr. D
I catched the end of the Mary of Amsterdam Conference on Saturday May 31 as live-cast and was impressed by the words of Fra Herman Brouwer.
So thank you for the on demand stream of this first hour with MC Arnold Leeman and the lecture of Fra Peter Fehlner.
I am looking forward to watch the other presentations from this Amsterdam conference.
Thanks and God bless,
Mohamed el-Fers
MokumTV Amsterdam
Dear Fra Rodric Mary,
I was able to view Fr. Peter Fehlner’s talk once more on Air Maria.
Thanks for allowing me to see and hear all the speakers on Air Maria at the sumposium in Amsterdam on wide screen computer, which came over very clearly and the audio was very good.
Fr. Peter’s talk, taken from a previous address he gave at a symposium at Our Lady’s shrine of Fatima for Cardinals and Bishops and was published in your book ” Mary – “Unique Cooperator In The Redemption, ” (Academy of the Immaculate Publication) covered a very wide range of topics that have led up to the need for the proclamation of this proposed Fifth Dogma of Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate, whose time has now come.
The longer this Dogma is put on hold by the Magisterium of the Church
the more problems we will encounter in the secular world of materialism as we are now experiencing with the threat of nuclear wars, involving Iran who wants to wipe Israel off the map, and the threat of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists, whose intention is to do us harm as we have seen time and again from suicide bombers.
Only Our Lady can prevent pending catastrophy that threatens world peace, and now is the time to act. Too often Our Lady has warned us of pending chastisment which the grevious sins of the world have brought upon us as Father Peter has pointed out in his talk, listing the various offensive sins that have put us in this predicament which only Our Lady can prevent if we do what She has requested us to do.
But we have become obstinate in our response to Her pleas, not realizing the imminent dangers that faces us and prevent us from complying with Her directives in giving Her due honor which She deserves.
How long must we wait before this Dogma is proclaimed in order to bring well needed peace in the world that is out of step with godliness?
We did not act when She told us what to do in order to prevent war at Fatima, and look at the carnage that followed with the rise of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany under Hitler, and subsequent rise of Communism under Joseph Stalin.
Now is the time to act before it is too late in order to reverse the present trend towards destruction of the human race.
Let us therefore pray with all our heart, mind and soul to avert destruction.
Ave Maria.
Roy Tenn.